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Tantric Massage Escorts

Feeling stressed and need to unwind? Look no further than soft and intimate hands of these tantric massage escorts. Each masseuse has extensive knowledge of the sensitive zones of your body to produce the maximum relaxation and pleasure simultaneously.  

Niche Types of Tantric Massages:

Prostate: the male g-spot, once you’ve had a prostate massage it’s near impossible not to want to have one again. Awaken sensations you never know existed. This can often be offered by domination sessions as well. 

Yoni: The female tantric massage, great for couples or for women who would like to be intimately pampered. 

Nuru: there’s no feeling quite like it. Feeling connected to your masseuse in ways you never thought possible as they slide over your body with this special gel. 

tantra massage in London
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